Maku’u Marketplace

Puna Rising sponsored Tim Delaney in creating a four-part Talk Story, Hawaiian cultural documentary on the planting and harvesting of Kalo (Taro). The day long event was hosted by Lau’ae and Paula Kekahuna of Maku’u Marketplace, where participants and observers learned when and how to harvest Kalo, preliminary cleaning of the root, cooking, fine cleaning and finally the process of pounding the Taro root. Nick Francisco and Howard Konanui were awesome in spearheading the process from start to finish. Another high point was the panel of local Big Island Kapuna talking story about growing up with Kalo as a part of their daily lives.

Part 1- Harvesting the Taro

Part 2 – cleaning and cooking the Taro

Part 3 – Cleaning Cooked Taro

Part 4 – Pounding Poi

Tim Delaney
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