Stars Over Puna-January

By Norma Jean Ream

For Puna Rising website.

Article 1:  January 2023

Time for Forward Action is Just Ahead

2023 is going to be full of exciting changes that will give a good sense of progress going forward. Three major planets will change signs this year, marking dynamic themes for the world as we move into the Spring. January has a slow start, but also the completion of old business.

The first Full Moon of the year is January 6 at 16 Cancer, near the fixed star Sirius, lending a sense of the Divine magic working in daily life. The Sun will be near Vega, the fifth brightest star in apparent magnitude, offering beneficence, hopefulness, and changeability. With Mercury in the Sun’s rays, we can expect surprising things will rise to the surface, as it turns direct and completes its intertwining’s with Mars in Gemini. The second half of the month holds the kind of tension that stimulates creative problem-solving, compromises, and tricky decisions.

The slow drip of retrograde planets comes to a turning point later this month with all planets moving in direct motion after January 22. Mercury, (ideas and communication), Mars, (action and motivation), and Uranus, (radical change and independence), each station direct within a week of each other and clear the path of the remnants of the past years’ delays and reorganization of plans. And with that, factors that have been dragging out decisions and judgments will systematically become clear and resolved. The stage is being set for the final act of the old paradigms to fall away.

All planets will be direct until Mercury’s next retrograde on April 21. That will be four months of fast, direct motion of the planets. We can accomplish goals in that time with good intentions and planning.

Certainly, Jupiter, the planet of Truth, expansion, and growth, highlights the sense of gaining ground for positive changes. It’s marching right along in the sign Aries, inspiring new beginnings, risk taking moves, and stretching our dreams to new heights. We can be experimental, inventive, and develop new strategies for personal living. Be ready to dive in and move quickly. Jupiter will travel the full sign by May 19, when it enters Taurus and becomes more solid and deliberate.

Venus conjoins Saturn at the New Moon in Aquarius on January 21. Relationships, agreements, and new partnerships can flourish at this time. Venus will move into Pisces on the following weekend and the Moon will be in Taurus. Romance can grow over the next weeks with a swift moving aspect to Mars, now quickly covering ground it laid last Fall. Social networking, sharing ideas, and new ways of making money are going to be hot topics going into February.

The first half of January gardening duties are clearing old planters, turning the soil, and preparing to reuse areas are good tasks through the end of the Capricorn period. The New Moon in Aquarius is good to start seeds to sprout. The Taurus Moon, January 28-29, is the fertile period and great for planting seedlings.

Norma Jean Ream
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Norma Jean Ream Bio

Norma Jean Ream has been a resident of Kalapana SeaView since 1988. Astrology has been her passion since 1970. She has a B.A. in Astrological Studies East and West from Kepler College and NCGR Level 4 Certification. Her specialty is in Traditional Western astrology, and she writes articles on Mundane (world events) for her own website, She wrote and taught a course in Traditional Astrology for IAA, an online college for seven years. She serves clients with a variety of offerings including personal consultations, Electional timing, Relocation decisions, Horary questions, and Children’s Charts for Parents.

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