June 2023 Stars Over Puna

The entrance into June has the Moon being a trigger to make us aware of the global squeeze on consolidation of power by the aging elites who have recently been discussing and deciding the future of our world. April and May had potent eclipses which initiate changes that manifest in the shifts in worldly powers of governments and social dynamics of a changing economic structure.

The past month of May was busy with meetings between the world’s leaders, mostly unelected Bankers, corporate financial executives, and influential oligarchs. This shows us an example of this year’s most important planetary combination of Jupiter in square aspect to Pluto, the power dynamic of ruling the world and convincing the people of their plans.

Then, on June 1, Jupiter joins the North Node in Taurus, which is a rare contact. The last time was in 1929, a turning point year in America’s economic history. On June 3, Mercury joins with Uranus also in Taurus this has the influence of surprising, or even shocking news of discovery or innovative technology. Taurus is a sign associated with values, prices, food, security, and positive developments. The planet Venus rules Taurus and is joining the tension cross of planets as it leaves Cancer and enters Leo. It stands two days in opposition to Pluto. This suggests a tightening up of economic markets.

The Full Moon on June 3 is in Sagittarius, which lightens the energy on a personal level. This time also has a hopeful and wishful energy as Venus is in a magical aspect to Neptune in Pisces, and both trine the local Ascendant at the time of the Full Moon, at 5:41 PM. Moonrise should be spectacular with Venus near Mars both bright and visible in the Western sky through the evening. This is a great weekend to have gatherings where neighbors and friends can chat, and share goals, and communal ideas.

On the sixth, Mercury, the communication and idea planet joins with Uranus, the revolutionary, the awakener, the planet of discovery, and invention. We should stand by for radical changes, surprising revelations, and an opening to greater understandings. This is good news. It may also be revealing truths that the public should know about. It is a good time to collaborate and start something that economically, socially, and politically supports the local community.

Venus enters Leo, the sign of leadership dynamic self-worth, which is a quality of the power of attraction and of bringing people together. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, and Libra will be slow in Leo, staying until October 10. It will turn retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23, in conjunction with the fixed star Regulus for 10 days. Regulus is known as the King-maker star. Venus will come just short of conjunction with Mars through the weeks of direct motion in Leo. These planets are known as the cosmic lovers. They are planets of sexuality, fertility, and male and female counterparts. (Their last conjunction was at 0 Aquarius on March 7, 2022.)

Mars is moving faster, and Venus slows to retrograde, so their meeting is incomplete but suggestive of love growing, of life being fertile ground for innovative ideas for doing things ourselves, with less dependence on government systems. Venus retrograde period is often reviewing values of the past or companions and lovers of the past. We soak up the positive love vibes and remember to hold them dear. Individually, this summer is ripe for new projects and for new inspired leadership. Build up your social courage and get involved in your community.

On June 11, Pluto retrogrades back into the last three degrees of Capricorn by October 11, turning direct and completing its final contact to its place in the USA chart. Then, Pluto finishes its Capricorn transit finally entering Aquarius for its 20-year passage on January 21, 2024.

Mercury enters Gemini, its home sign on June 13 until the 28th. A good deal of added information comes out in this period. Disclosure and exposure of revelations of historical events will give us all something to think about. What does it mean for us all?

On June 17, Saturn, planet of order, structure, and social rules, turns retrograde at 7 Pisces. Saturn holds a pleasant connection with Jupiter at 7 Taurus over the next week. This makes negotiations in business, in personal dynamics, and in general, the outlook seems more optimistic with a sense of offering a solid foundation for something that can grow as a supportive relationship of situation.

Also, the 17th is the New Moon at 26 Gemini 43 at sunset in Puna. Mercury, ruler of Gemini is ahead of the Sun and Moon in its Superior phase, oriental and rising before the Sun. It offers news, and information, and is in a close square to Saturn, and a close sextile (agreement aspect) to Venus and Mars.

The planet Neptune is square to the New Moon, suggesting that something of the collective dreams and ideals will be evolving into our understanding and beginning to see the manifestation of our creations. There is a good deal of harmony in the next Lunar cycle. It is a fertile time to plant seeds in the ground and our lives in the sense of generating the life you want. Improving your health through being good to yourself and taking care of your emotional self as well as your outer persona.

Be a bit more cautious driving, and in physical activities that are risky. Mars will square Uranus on the 25th. This can be a difficult aspect leading to accidents, violent reactions, and even life-threatening unexpected situations. Both are in Fixed signs are like a forceful challenge between two forces that are unyielding. Also, Mercury finishing its travel in Gemini squares Neptune, and illusion and reality have an argument. Watch out for heavy conversations that are likely to be deflecting with lies and deception.

Leave the argument for a better day, like the 28th when Venus and Chiron are trine. Also, Sun and Saturn are in total agreement. The rest of the week has much better potential for agreements, making plans, and gaining consensus in group situations. It’s much easier to complete a deal, sell things, and lay the ground for future projects. Teamwork is smooth and agreeable. This is a growing phase of the lunar cycle, so things move more quickly, and it is a vibrant season. The next Full Moon is July 3.

Norma Jean Ream
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Norma Jean Ream Bio

Norma Jean Ream has been a resident of Kalapana SeaView since 1988. Astrology has been her passion since 1970. She has a B.A. in Astrological Studies East and West from Kepler College and NCGR Level 4 Certification. Her specialty is in Traditional Western astrology, and she writes articles on Mundane (world events) for her own website, www.AstrologyHawaii.com. She wrote and taught a course in Traditional Astrology for IAA, an online college for seven years. She serves clients with a variety of offerings including personal consultations, Electional timing, Relocation decisions, Horary questions, and Children’s Charts for Parents.

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